The archives at the Baltimore Museum of Industry collects, preserves, and shares the history of business and industry throughout Baltimore and Maryland. The archives chronicle the achievements of business and technological innovators from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, and include textual documentation, photographs, audiovisual materials, trade literature, architectural drawings, and more.
Our archival and manuscript holdings consist of material representing Maryland industries – from small business to multinational corporations – based in Maryland or with a significant workforce base in the region. This material provides valuable insight into the activities of creating organizations and a broad scope of the local industrial and business community over time. The museum’s non-current institutional records are also part of our collection.
For information or assistance contact: Maggi Marzolf, Archives Manager at or 410.727.4808 x112
Our 5,000-volume library collection represents the convergence of local and industrial histories, with publications examining industrial trends and their impact on the local community. Individual corporate and business histories are also included. Additional series include technical manuals, directories, journals, and periodicals, including back issues of Port of Baltimore and Baltimore Magazine. We also hold the contents of the former research libraries of several major corporations and local institutions, including BGE, American Rolling Mill Company (ARMCO), Rustless Iron and Steel Corporation, and the Mount Vernon Museum of Incandescent Lighting. For enhanced research and exploration of additional sources, numerous vertical files contain non-archival supporting documentation arranged by subject. However, please note that library materials do not circulate. Our Library Catalog is available online.
Online Calalog
Explore BMI’s Online Catalog
The Baltimore Museum of Industry has made its online catalog available continuously since 2006. The catalog contains the museum’s archival, library, and artifact collections, documenting the industries, companies, processes, and work environments that have shaped American culture for decades.