The BMI is excited to offer a new educational opportunity inspired by our on-site education programs. City Kits are all-in-one activity boxes that give kids a way to experience the best parts of the BMI’s on-site programs from home.
Each activity kit includes hands-on, curriculum-aligned activities and primary source images, accompanied by easy-to-follow lesson plans.
City Kits are a great stand-alone activity, and also pair well with the BMI’s virtual field trips. For teachers or parents looking to supplement social studies learning or our City Kits experiences, check out our Youtube Student Playlist as a resource.

City Kits are available for student groups of 10 or more. We encourage you to order the kits at least two weeks prior to your preferred delivery date.
To order kits fill out the form at the bottom of the page
Questions? Please email or call 410-727-4808 ext. 117

City Kits were made possible through the support of the Downtown Partnership of Baltimore, The Edmund Eisenberg Memorial Foundation, Janet Novak, and Green Bay Packaging.

[button url=”#reservation” size=”big” color=”color1″ full_width=”no” align=”left”]Make a Reservation[/button]

Students are encouraged to think about the different types of work involved in the process of preparing, preserving, and providing food for communities by exploring primary source images, building their own vegetable can, and flexing their math skills through steps to build a canning business. Cannery City Kits are inspired by our keystone Kids’ Cannery program.

We encourage you to order the kits at least two weeks prior to your preferred delivery date.

Grade: 2nd-8th
Cost: $8.00/student

Each activity kit includes hands-on, curriculum-aligned activities and primary source images, accompanied by easy-to-follow lesson plans.

[quote color=”color4″ boxed=”yes”]This was by far one of the best at-home assignments we’ve done — fun, locally and globally relevant, a learning activity that didn’t feel too much like learning. :) I love that it wasn’t too complicated — sometimes simpler is better.[author] Parent[/author][/quote]

How does light help us to see and communicate? In this STEM activity kit, students explore several methods for communicating with light and sound, test their skills using Morse Code, and create their own light communication device.
We encourage you to order the kits at least two weeks prior to your preferred delivery date.
Grade: 1st-2nd
Cost: $8.00/student
Each activity kit includes hands-on, curriculum-aligned activities and primary source images, accompanied by easy-to-follow lesson plans.

[quote color=”color4″ boxed=”yes”]Thank you for brainstorming a quality workaround for virtual learning. This gives me hope![author] Teacher[/author][/quote]

Reservation Form

Fill out my online form.