Photograph courtesy of the BGE Collection
Baltimore Narratives: Turn of the Century Baltimore
Tuesday, June 27, at 7:00 PM
Live Virtual Program (Zoom)
Join us on June 27th at 7:00PM for an in-depth look at Baltimore in the first decade of the 20th century with Senior Museum Educator Jack Burkert. This program will be hosted on Zoom. Access provided after registration.
Turn of the Century Baltimore – The 19th century had been good to Baltimore. Business was booming. The port, shipbuilding, needle trades and food processing were bigger than ever. Immigrants continued to arrive in the city. But disaster came early as the Great Baltimore Fire consumed the city center. Rebuilding the city became the task of the decade. Women’s suffrage, slum housing, sweatshops, racial discrimination, public health, and child labor were to be addressed. Despite the challenges, Baltimoreans enjoyed electrified amusement parks, attendance at vaudeville theaters, and neighborhood life. This is turn of the century Baltimore, a story of challenges, new beginnings and better living.
FREE for all audiences. Donations encouraged.
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